AD-156 Kiosk

15.6" kiosk with floor stand or desk mount for self-ordering and payment.

AD-215 Kiosk

21.5" kiosk for self-ordering and payment.

Alfred AD-156-S Kiosk

15.6"” self-checkout kiosk with high-performance scanner and side tables.

Alfred AD-215-S Kiosk

21.5” self-checkout kiosk with high-performance scanner and side tables.

K27 II Kiosk

Space-saving self-ordering kiosk with wall mount or floor stand.

PS-107 Cosmo Printer Stand

Space-saving POS and self-service printer stand, compatible Audrey A7.

PS-103 Cosmo Printer Stand

Space-saving printer stand for self-service and POS applications.

Alfred PS-137

Maximize your floor space with the PS-137 self-service kiosk with a 21.5" display.

AD-215-H Hotel Kiosk

Hotel self-service kiosk for check-in, payment, and printing of key cards.

Work with Partner Tech

Level up your business with Partner Tech’s innovative touch screen POS and kiosk solutions. Our solutions streamline your processes and make every transaction quick and easy, taking the customer experience to the next level. Join thousands of satisfied users and contact us to learn more.

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